Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Double-Decker Bus, 2X the fun!

Enough said. Is there a point to extend this post? Is there anyone who can deny this simple truth?

Miss Bean's Simple Truths to Abide By:
1. Chopping veggies is the ultimate stress-reliever.
2. Ice cream is best after just brushing teeth. (Kids, remember to brush those ugly plaque buddies away after eating ice cream!)
3. Double-Decker bus = complete awesomeness

So after two days in Brighton, En
gland, I finally got to take my first double-decker bus ride. It was pretty great, despite paying 3.80p (almost $8!!) and climbing up narrow stairs (3-ft wide stairs would not go over well in the states). The buses in Brighton are not firetruck red like the ones in London, but a combo of muted red and yellow. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the Brighton bus. I must have felt kinda pissed because I just paid almost $8 for a round-trip ride to civilization and back. My lovely university is smack dab in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by black and white spotted cows, fuzzy sheep, and quaint farmland. It was nice to be away from the bustle of town, yet I would have to drag a friend and shell out $8 even before I can buy a fish and chips.

Remember back in the day, it was super cool to sit in the back of the school bus? Nobody ever talked about what happened in the back, but if you were ever in on the action (spraying Axe), you were totally COOL. Well, in the Brighton at least (can't say for the rest of the UK), THE thing to do is to sit at the front of the second level of the bus. There's a floor-length window that is right in front of the first row of seats, so whenever you sit in the first row, it feels like you're flying. OK, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I wasn't cool enough to sit in the first row because it caused my agrophobia to flair up a bit. I had a Titanic Queen-of-the-World moment the 3 seconds I sat in the front, but I'm just not queen material.

1 comment:

  1. Do you realize how funny you are? I just spit out my toast before I choked on it.

    "Nobody ever talked about what happened in the back..." SO true. Only the cool kids sat in the back. Which definitely was not me.

    And you will always be as regal as a queen, even if you're not at the front of the double decker bus.
